The Academy & Holy Mass
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
"The Mass is the most beautiful thing this side of heaven." Father Faber
From the moment the student enters the school grounds, he enters a sacred place of formation. The great St. Ignatius reminds us: ‘Man was created to know, love, and serve God and by this means to save his soul.’
The Academy is the sanctuary of truth, where the Church wills her baptized members be formed. The divine mandate of ‘Go, teach all nations’ is fulfilled on those noble grounds. It is there that the appetite for truth begins to be satisfied. From kindergarten until graduation, the student is led higher and higher each day in climbing the mountain of truth, which is Christ. This is brought about by learning about the Creator and seeing Him in His creation.
Linked closely with the formation within the classroom is the formation in the Chapel. There the student is invited to make the ascent ‘in montem sanctum tuum’ to the height of Mount Calvary at Holy Mass to witness and to share in what will be his life – the gift of self to God in union with Our Lord. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the SSPX, referred to the public prayer at Mass as a ‘school of respect’. Exposed to the deeply symbolic action which takes place in the sanctuary, the students are led to a profound respect of God. Additionally, the Liturgy teaches respect for sacred persons, that is, not only those called to the sacred priesthood, but also those who are baptized and made members of Christ. This she manifests by incensing them, an action given to God alone! Undoubtedly, actions such as these cannot but fill the student with wonder at his dignity, a realization that his teachers, through the beauty of the Church, gladly reveal.
During the academic year:
- Monday Mass - 8:30am (Low Mass)
- First Friday Mass - 8:30am (High Mass)
IHMA Altar Boys