The Immaculate Heart of Mary, Patroness of the Academy

Immaculate Heart of Mary

"Let us go with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and may find grace for a timely help." Introit from the Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

If the Academy were to open her maternal mouth, how would she address her students? Which words would she use to express the sentiments of her heart? Perhaps it would be how St. Paul spoke to the infant Church at Galatia (present-day Turkey): ‘My little children, of whom I am in labor again, until Christ be formed in you.’


The Academy, through her teachers, undertakes a labor of love, a childbirth lasting eight or twelve years for one purpose – that Christ might be formed in each student. Certainly among the student body are found diverse backgrounds and customs, and various aptitudes and temperaments. And yet the goal is the same – that all, made in the image and likeness of God, might return to Him by imitating Our Lord Jesus Christ.


In a very real sense, the Incarnation, which occurred two thousand years ago, lives on within the hallowed walls of the Academic womb for the same purpose as it did then. In giving of her own blood, Mary poured forth her own life for her Son. Thus, Mary’s spotless heart represents zeal. With enthusiasm and generosity, the teachers will joyously and generously labor with Our Lady, not counting the cost. Can this not be numbered among the most sacred occupations on earth? Mary’s heart was spotless, her focus completely centered on her Son. Here again, she is the ideal for the teacher, whose mission is to step out of the way and to lead the students not towards self, but to know and learn to love what is good.